Waiting for more
So, that first Curling class was February 27th, and unfortunately, the league started just a week or two before.
Our class took place on a League night, and it was pretty clear that the players fell into one of two categories: those who took the class before the league started, and those with "Canada" written somewhere on their clothing.
So, I'm ready, but it's too late to start, and life has an amazing ability to get in the way.
Weeks pass, and I'm hungrily looking for an outlet for my Curling jones. More about that later.
I get E-mail from The Rinks and they're doing more classes, so I sign up to repeat the class on April 20th -- right around the time the first league finishes. I sign up to repeat the class. Cindi offers a drop-in session, but I'm just not quite ready.
The second class is quite different. Instead of a certified instructor, the class is taught by Bob and David, who just finished the first league -- and before that, no experience at all. We huddled around them with lots of questions. As the class ends, one of the arena employees asks "did we had fun, whose interested, is anybody thinking about the league?" and I replied "I'm not thinking..."
The rumor is that the next League starts on May 8th, and I'm ready.
Then, more E-Mail from Cindi:
"Two additional Drop in Curling dates have been added. The sessions will be April 26 and May 3 from 7:45pm-9:30pm and will cost $20. Drop in is for those with previous curling experience and are comfortable in a game setting." I'm assured that the classes count as "previous experience" -- and I'm looking for the "comfortable" part.
It's time to fly Solo....