Beginners' Luck
We have two more games before the league playoffs begin.
... and maybe, just maybe, I'm not as delusional as I thought. We're doing well.
Ice is still a tiny bit of a mystery. During classes and my first two games, the ice was slow, and it was work to get to the tee line. Since then I've been trying to throw lighter and the rocks seem to go through the house more often than not. For my first game, I was worried about getting enough weight to make it to the far hog line.
I'm going back and watching Debbie McCormick and Jennifer Jones videos from my posts several back.
Our record so far (4-0) is a little bit too good to be entirely believable. Fingers crossed.
The best part of all of this: it's fun. I'm thinking about the next league (and just maybe playing in San Diego) this fall.
... and today, I ordered shoes. They don't carrry Curling Shoes at any of the local sporting goods stores.