Favorite Positions
Last Saturday was our last League game before playoffs, and another lesson in "The Roaring Game."
My first couple of games I played Second, and I played Second at The Crush, but most of the time I've been playing Lead.
Lead and Second (the "front end") is about technique, about delivering the shots called by the skip, and about sweeping your rink-mates shots into the position called by the Skip or Vice-Skip.
League rules say that substitutes play in the front end. If the whole team can't make it, at least those present are calling strategy, and with two players missing, I played my first night at Vice.
For the Lead, Second and Vice, the Skip calls strategy. They hold the broom as a target, tell their teammate how hard, and which turn to throw, and direct sweeping to produce the desired result.
For the last two rocks, thrown by the Skip, the Vice calls strategy.
Note to self: black broom handle with a black pad against dark navy blue pants equals invisible. Get one that's a bright color next time.
Yet again, the game is different.
The front end is more about mechanics, the Vice and Skip are the brain-trust. You have to make your shots, but you also call them.
You need to watch the rock coming down the ice, and decide if sweeping (straightening and lengthening the throw) is needed. You have to give your Skip some guidance on weight.
... and you can take a good shot and spoil it.
That said, we played well, and while I don't get to throw many take-outs as Lead, I got to throw some takeouts as Vice. Some that worked.
Next Saturday is playoffs. We're playing for third place.